Leaving GitLab

Leaving GitLab
Photo by Joshua Woroniecki / Unsplash

After a little over 5 years, I'm going to be leaving GitLab for my next adventure. It's no surprise to those of you who have been following me that I have absolutely loved my time here. I'm so proud of what we built—and I'm still proud and awed by the remarkable people there. GitLab's values are the gold standard for what it means to be a wonderful company for the team-members, for the community, and for the shareholders.

I hope to take even a small portion of that to my next adventure—which I'll be saying more about soon. But for now—thank you to GitLab team members past and present, and GitLabbers inside and outside of the company for everything. I'm a GitLabber for life.

Stay tuned—I've got two pieces of content that I'm excited about. One will be about those things I learned at GitLab that I want to remember for the rest of my career and life. And then once I start the new gig – probably around the new year — I would like to share what I'm doing next and why I think it is so important for our industry. You'll be hearing from me soon!

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